
[出讓] 賣大量參考書,教科書,內有radian phy系列同埋turbo bafs系列!

賣大量參考書,教科書,內有radian phy系列同埋turbo bafs系列!

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Mastering Advance Physics(全套95%新)
Book 1.Mechanics
Book 2.Waves
Book 3.Electricity and Magnetism
Book 4.Matter連solution,一套$250

Choice of physics force and motion

Vision turbo bafs elective accounting module A1(95%新)
Vision turbo bafs compulsory introduction to accounting(95%新)

Vision turbo bafs compulsory, business enviornment,management (95%新)
Study smart in bafs compulsory part

CS Lee-Linear algebra and vector algebra (M2 exercise)

CS Lee-Linear algebra and vector algebra (Math core exercise)

Original for Able student BOOK 4B(Math core exercise)
Original for Able student BOOK 5A (Math core exercise)

Longman HKDSE Ict mock paper-Multimedia production and website development

Longman HKDSE ict mcok paper-Compulsory part paper 1

[ 本帖最後由 prototype21 於 2016-12-2 10:20 PM 編輯 ]


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