


我成日比阿sir/miss 話我grammar 同vocab 用錯晒。今次apply U 希望唔好錯,所以希望各位可以幫手改下文。

        My major in HKUSPACE community college is Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE). I select Bachelor of Engineering, year 2, as my first choice because I want to be an electrical and electronic engineer with affluent and strong base knowledge.
        I am good at abstract ideas, theoretical calculating and imagination. But I am not a well-spoken person. Sometimes stammering will happen if I am too nervous. Nevertheless, I would not let it go. I read newspaper, speak aloud and strive to be more natural. I am a perfectionist. I cannot bear any things that cannot reach my required standard. If so, I would try my very best in attaining my desirable level.
Working hard and, especially, self-study are two things that are of the critical importance. Clarify any academic knowledge by sending emails and questioning after lessons, stay at library reading reference books and surf at internet finding useful materials, etc. I become more mature on learning after experiencing a year in HKUSPACE community college.
        I got 3.76 in year 1’s CGPA. Although I failed in last year’s HKU interview on account of the nervous performance, I strive for maintaining the year 1’s level. Moreover, I have received HKUST’s conditional offer that encourage me can perform better and can get the second chance of entering the No.1 university in Asia, HKU.


講下你自己、contribution、reason for shortlisting you, etc.


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