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[Eng] 2012 Practice Paper Part A + B Q6 求評

2012 Practice Paper Part A + B Q6 求評

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DSE Practice Paper Q.1
Your school is holding a walkathon to raisemoney for charity. Complete the following sections of the information posterbelow to promote the walkathon and encourage students and their families totake part.

Why take part?
       The upcoming annualwalkathon aims to raise money for charity. We have cooperated with Walk toBuild, a charity organization, all funds from the walkathon will be donated tobuild schools in China.

       As you all know, the poordistricts in China do not have much money to develop education, children needto walk hours to the schools, which have unsatisfied environment. Hence, wehope to boost the education in these districts, provide a better education tomore children. We need your help, take part in the walkathon and give a hand tocharity work!

The Route of TheWalk
       In the fresh morning on 18Mar, we will have a briefing in school campus, then all participants will beseparated into groups, buses will get you to Tsim Sha Tsui group by group. Wewill walk through the Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront, it takes around an hour tofinish the walk.

       Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront isa comfortable and beautiful place, with convenient transports, we hope that allof you can gain enjoyment from the charity walkathon.

The Work of Walkto Build
       Walk to Build is a globalnon-profitable organization founded in 2000, putting all its efforts onbuilding facilities for the poor, for examples, hospitals and schools, so as toimprove their living standard. It organizes annual walkathon every year toraise money, and hopes to awake the public to participate in charity work andcontribute to the world.

       What are you still hesitatefor? Come and join us on 18 Mar, spread love to the world together!

DSE Practice Paper Q.6
There is talk of certain schools removing PElessons from the curriculum so students can concentrate more on academicsubjects. Write a letter to the Secretary of Education expressing your views onthis proposal.


        I am writing to express my disagreementon the proposal of some schools, which is considering to cancel the PhysicalEducation lessons from curriculum so as to let students concentrate more onacademic subjects.

        Most of the students in Hong Kong onlyhave one to two PE lessons every week. If those schools remove PE lessons fromthe original curriculum, there will have some concerns about students' healthand society's phenomenon.

        First of all, removing PE lessons willtighten students. The pressure of studying is heavy due to Hong Kong'scompetitive education system, students need to put an all-out effort onstudying. When students feel too stressful, it is worrying that some seriousproblems will occur, for example, depression and suicide. PE lessons is one ofthe relaxation for students originally, students can do other activities torelax and this can help for their emotional adjustment. Hence, PE lessons isgood for students' mental health because it can reduce students' stress, itshould not be removed.

        What is more, PE lessons helpsmaintaining students' physical health. When looking at Hong Kong students' lifestyle, it is no surprise that students usually have heavy workload fromschools, or even need to attend tutorial classes after schools, they do nothave much time to spend on doing exercises. However, sports is an important keyto keep being healthy, PE lessons provides time for students to do sports everyweek, this can certainly help improving their physical health. Thus, PE lessonscan help them to take up sports and enhance students' physical health, itshould not be deleted.

        Last but not least, retaining PE lessonsin curriculum can encourage students' pluralistic development. Hong Kongsociety sets great store by academic results and competitiveness, but neglectsother aspects, which are also important for students' growth, it is a sickphenomenon. If PE lessons are cancelled to encourage students concentrate moreon academic study, it will make the present situation worse. Students shouldhave a pluralistic development, PE lessons can develop their spirit likesportsmanship and endurance, therefore it should not be abandoned.

        Besides knowledge and results, there arestill many things we need to pay attention to. Indeed, removing PE lessons canlet students put more time and effor on studying, but the negative impacts itbrought may outweigh its advantages and efficiency. So, it is hoped thatschools can make an all-round consideration on this proposal and make itbecomes beneficial to students.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

[ 本帖最後由 mandimandy 於 2016-3-21 07:24 PM 編輯 ]


Part 1:

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Part 2:
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