
[Eng] English Writing Section A 求教

English Writing Section A 求教

我成日都唔識寫Section A...
You are a secondary school students. The principal has asked you to create an information poster to promote your secondary school.
Use the following three headings to write the poster. Add one heading of your own. Write about 200 words

Introducing our secondary school
Hong Kong Secondary School is a public school located in Shatin. Knowing that achieving brilliant results in public examinations is vital for students' future studies, we have made lots of effort in boosting their academic performances.To quote a few examples,we have provided numerous tutorial classes and stacks of exercises to our students.

Some great things about our school
Recently, our school was awarded " The Best Secondary School in Hong Kong 2015"  because of our dedications to students. Also, our school was reported by Hong Kong Daily as the top school in Hong Kong due to our various achievements in the public examination. However, we will not be proud and satisfied. We will try our best to seek for improvements.

What our students say
We have interviewed some of our students in the previous months. In general, our students think that they can find their feet in the road of seeking knowledge. Janice Lee, a form 4 student, however, thinks that it is better for the school to provide "small class teaching" to students so that every students' needs can be catered.
Our Future
In the future, for the sake of further improvements in students' performance in public examination, not only will we raise our targets in examination, we will also learn from other secondary schools in Hong Kong such as their teaching materials and mode of teaching. Students' results are often placed at the first priority.


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