
[Chem] 2016 Chem syllabus...help!

2016 Chem syllabus...help!

I'm studying at F6 and and will sit for the 2016 HKDSE. The publisher for chemistry is Aristo.
I bought Book 4 last year (F5), and it is the new edition. So now I have textbooks of two editions (Book 1-3 1st edition, Book 4,5,7 2nd edition).
And I've heard that concepts like dipole moment in Book 3 are out of the new 2016 DSE syllabus. Is it true? If so, should I buy a new set of Book 1-3?


dipole moment will not be tested anymore. You can refer to the syllabus of EDB (revised edition)
http://334.edb.hkedcity.net/doc/ ... _CAGuide_e_2015.pdf

no nned to buy a new book because you can amend the book yourself

Or I can list something that won't be tested from 2016 onwards
(1) Microscopic World II
bond angle, VSEPR theory, dipole moment, type of van der Wasls' forces (like dipole-dipole attraction etc.)
(2) Redox reactions
Chemistry of typical chemical cells (but note that chemistry of zinc-carbon cell and fuel cell will be tested)
(3) Enthalpy change
standard enthalpy change of solution, finding enthalpy change using enthalpy level diagram
(4) Organic Chemistry
Plastics (but addition polymer will be tested), Lucas test, natural polymers like proteins, carbohydrates, etc
(5) Rate of reaction
Transmittance of light
(6) Industrial chem
Half life, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst, diaphragm cell, criteria for choosing a chemical plant
(7) Analytical chem
gravimetric analysis

[ 本帖最後由 kelvin0714 於 2015-12-4 08:56 PM 編輯 ]


回覆 2# kelvin0714 的帖子

im 23dser, thank you so much! i was studying a collection of second-handed old notes and found so much of the content are not mentioned by my teacher. now i know all of them are out-syl.


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