
[Bio] 1990CE Bio(2) Q2,22,27

1990CE Bio(2) Q2,22,27

Q2 Ans c Should the cell in (3) consist of chromosome? (not chromatids which have already separated)Q22 Ans c Why are the newly-formed daughter amoebae smaller in size than their parents?
Q27 Ans a Why can humus(but not other components of soil) be removed by heating?
Thank you so much!!



回覆 1# andy2015 的帖子

q2) (3):The chromatin condenses to form chromosomes at prophase.

q22) cytoplasm of parent cell doesn't duplicate, it just grows a bit larger, so the cytoplasms of daughter cells are smaller (not sure, but C is absolutely wrong).

q27) Humus is an organic matter. When the dry soil is heated, all the humus will be burnt and it gives off smoke. The loss in weight of soil after heating is the weight of humus present.


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