
[Phy] some concept questions

some concept questions

1. vector question
if R is vector , then R=Rx+Ry
if R is scalar, then R^2= Rx ^2 + Ry ^2

however, when I need to find the magnitude of force, why use R^2= Rx ^2 + Ry ^2? ( as I think force is a vector)

if the queston ask me to find the final velocity of an object, should I use  R=Rx+Ry or R^2= Rx ^2 + Ry ^2?

2.Does the airplane flying on sky have normal reaction force?

3. in circular motion, is tangential acceleration equals to  instantaneous velocity of an object?


2) You may call it normal reaction in DSE or Upthrust

3) tangential acceleration is responsible for accelerating / decelerating.
    = rate of change of speed.

1) force is a vector definitely.
the magnitude of force is a scalar.

The Q asks for final velocity => it means the magnitude of velocity


回覆 2# yeungwk91 的帖子

but as far as i know, normal reaction exist when an object is on a surface
but when airplane is flying and it dont touch the surface,  why it has normal reaction?


回覆 3# lightthefuture 的帖子

It is about fluid mechanics

The force should be called Upthrust.
It is acting on the plane by the air surrounding.

Just for DSE, u mark it as normal reaction ( that's fine)


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