
[Econ] 有d關於ECON既concept想請教各位大大~"~


1. resources with alternative use are scarce <--F (2008Q1)
  vs To society. used cocacola cans are economic goods because they have alternative use (1992Q2)
economic good 唔係代表scarce咩? 咁究竟 有"alternative" use 係唔係scarcity既characteristic?

2. market economy 同tax system 有冇關係? 做past paper 好似就通常兩者唔關事 其實係咪咁?

3.rainwater係 land 咁點解rainwater collected in reservoirs(or fish caught in the high seas (1998Q12))唔係land? (1996Q15)

4. 其實land係咪一移動左就唔再係land? eg 捉左條魚 因為條魚唔再係大海so唔係land?   

5. 既然department 係capital 咁點解租金係rent 而唔係interest?

6. In short run, technology being fixed is a must?

7. 做past paper 見到 private limited company 可 issue shares 乜原來係咖? 咁同public 有d乜分別?

小妹實在才疏學淺 以上問題略多 大大們可揀黎答 大恩大德 沒齒難忘!!!

[ 本帖最後由 Edithxd 於 2015-4-30 11:18 PM 編輯 ]



回覆 1# Edithxd 的帖子

1. they have no conflict, 'alternative use' means there is still demand for it so it is scared.
2.idk what u are asking
3.It is because the reservoirs are built by human
4.Once you have changed the nature of land(natural resources) then it won't be 'land' any more(eg. remove the grass on a piece of land). Your example is not accurate, you catch the fish so the fish isn't 'land' any more, where you have done nothing to the sea, the nature of the sea hasn't changed.
5.Department is capital but I should clarify that:1. Rent is the cost of the 'department borrower(user)' 2. Interest(rent) is the revenue of the department owner
6.Its assumption
7.Yes, private limited company can issuse share but it can't issue share in the formal stock market(because it isnt listed) but in other way.


1.咁free good都可以有alternative  use 有alternative use一定imply scarcity ?
2.但rainwater本身係natural resources 咁即使用manmade既reservoir裝住 都唔代表佢唔係land咖?
7.如果我答private既缺點話佢少d source of capital因為唔可以issue shares ,係咪錯?

Anyway, thanks ))


回覆 3# Edithxd 的帖子

1. the focus is actually whether ppl are willing to pay a price for it
if yes, it is an economic good; if not, a free good
2. as long as human efforts are involved, it becomes capitql, e.g.捉魚要有labor捉
3.kinda wrong,  cos limited companies can issue shares
hope it helps!: )


Thank you very much !!!


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