
[Econ] ECON問題求詳解


1, 有個英國公民走黎香港做野, 幾時計香港gdp 定 net income paid abroad? 聽講係咪做夠1年先當resident-producing unit?
2, 用free good 有無cost?
3, 點解author in HK sells the copyright to other country係計capital account? 除左 D shares, 起commercial building之外有無特別例子?
4, 2016 仲考唔考tariff 呢課?
5, area-volume relationship, principle of multiples and divisibility, income approach 考唔考?
6, stamp duty levied on the shares bought and sold in HK stock market 點解計入HK GDP?
7, consumption on imports 係咪一齊升 C同M 變相gdp reamins unchanged?

希望可以詳細解答小弟既問題, 小弟無錢補習只好上黎求教


1, 有個英國公民走黎香港做野, 幾時計香港gdp 定 net income paid abroad? 聽講係咪做夠1年先當resident-producing unit?
2, 用free good 有無cost?
【Free good 免費,但生產需要成本。】
3, 點解author in HK sells the copyright to other country係計capital account? 除左 D shares, 起commercial building之外有無特別例子?
【the owner of the copyright is now the foreign country, then HK -> copyright to Foreign & Foreign -> $ to HK , -CA and FA+】
4, 2016 仲考唔考tariff 呢課?
5, area-volume relationship, principle of multiples and divisibility, income approach 考唔考?
6, stamp duty levied on the shares bought and sold in HK stock market 點解計入HK GDP?
[股票交易當中涉及生產,C,I,G,NX當中,計入I ]
7, consumption on imports 係咪一齊升 C同M 變相gdp reamins unchanged?
入口上升,NX 下降。但同時入口的部份會被消費,C升。但呢兩者 NX decrease and C increase may not off set each other.
It depends.


1. It depends on the company that he works is a rpu or not.


1.the income earned by British is counted in GDP of the local company
2.yes,there are alternative use of the free good,but there is no production cost involved in free good
3.copyright is sold to the foreign region, so it is counted as kA
4.no la
5.no la
6.the service is involved,stamp duty and related charges represent the value of service offered by the brokers and the government
7.only some of the imported goods will be consumed,the increase in import may not offset the increase in consumption
there are many reasons for C to increase


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