
[ICT] ICT SBA elective A

ICT SBA elective A

I am sorry that i could not type chinese right now because i have not install the software...
but can anyone tell me what can i write for the 'operation of the system' part for a renting system?


I am not sure whether I had this part in my ICT SBA before. I did use a table to list the procedures of running a system though. You can treat it like a flow (or steps) of running the program (you might want to consider "input-process-output" cycle as a reference). Here are some questions I thought about when writing about the operation of my system: What will be done after the user register the account? (Personal information of the user will be inserted into the database) What will be retrieved after I press the button for a search operation? (information about different products will be shown)

Not sure if these help as I couldn't recall a part called "operation of the system" in my SBA... I put similar descriptions for the "functional description" part of my SBA.


回覆 2# grassland 的帖子

hi i am sorry but would like to ask how about rules and constraints? is it all about the rental system rules?


Sorry for replying late, isabellaaa! I don't think I have such a part in my SBA (probably because different schools have different formats). However, according to my interpretation, the rules and constraints should be about the rental system: e.g. what are the constraints for user input? How many orders/applications can a user put at a time? (An ER diagram may trigger some thoughts!). Here are some information for your reference: in my SBA, I put down constraints for the data dictionary (tables describing the tables in the database), like NOT NULL or UNIQUE. Don't know if these are related though:p


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