
[院校資料] Quit U retake HKDSE for medic

Quit U retake HKDSE for medic

大家好 我係讀緊 hku social science 中學係phy chem bio 2014 dse 5467555
我今年考完sem 1 gpa不太理想 先發現自己對這一科不太興趣 反而對medic 興趣比較大
想係黎緊這一年quit u retake 2016 dse 考哂7科 有信心 phy chem bio都有5*/5** 的水平
如果唔洗combine cert
想知道中大同港大對retake 的penalty 同埋 分數要求係幾多
麻煩大家!!!今年有買卷返黎睇 中英maths phy chem都係係總分差7-8分就升一個grade

[ 本帖最後由 jkkl 於 2015-1-24 06:09 PM 編輯 ]


the syllabus for 2016 will change so you shd be familiar with it first
【寫文•真正•最神】 一堂無敵作文綜合課程


Syllabus改左唔少,加上你放低左dse嘅野一段時間,pick up 番有難度,個人唔建議retake,風險幾大


The penalty is quite high, about 10% (past years, you should check the recent one.)
You need to get at least 41 scores out of 7 subjects. Including mark penalty, you should get at least 45 scores out of 7 subjects... You have to be sure that you can get enough scores... And you have to excel in interview.
Good luck!


Like samwong001 said, the penalty is quite high indeed.. How's your gpa in sem 1 ?




Combined cert simply means that u take DSE more than once.
This means that if u take 7-8 subjects for your 2nd DSE attempt, your cert at the end is still a combined cert.

The JUPAS official website have the following explanation.



HKU and CU have not yet released their penalty over retakers, but according to past experience, you may expect a 5-10% penalty.
For details I think you should email them right away.

You get 32 for your first attempt, and MBBS requires students at least scoring 37 (2014's entry's LQ).
If the authority charges a 5-10% penalty, your 4C+2 score needs to be around 39-41.

I dun think it is possible to get in mbbs if you are getting only a 4 for your English. Remember, electives are not as important as English in university.
English proficiency determines your learning effectiveness and efficiency, which is very important for a medic student because you will learn tons of knowledge throughout  the 6 years.
If your English is not good, I doubt that if you can cope with the workload of a medic programme, and that's probably why your gpa is not satisfactory.

If you have faith in yourself scoring 5* or above for your English, it may buy you some hopes.

So here's my advice. Study a degree you're not interested in or go for a goal unattainable is a waste of time and money.
Go figure out the actual penalty system. If you are confident to get a 5* for English and get a combined cert reaching the programmes' LQs after discount, you can then consider giving it a try.

[ 本帖最後由 卡樂B熱浪 於 2015-1-25 09:15 PM 編輯 ]


我gpa 都有3.4 只係 讀落發覺 唔太岩自己
RE 卡樂B 你講得十分好 我會諗諗佢 maybe今年試下 做2015份DSE 試試 自己英文能力
因為讀左半年大學仲要係sosci 英文都有進步
Study a degree you're not interested in or go for a goal unattainable is a waste of time and money.

你講得好岩 麻煩哂大家!!!


retake for medic, 想太多了, 太大想頭


回覆 8# jkkl 的帖子

The major issue is that the chance of getting into Medicine is too slim.
You may consider other preferred programs like HKU BBA(Law) / CUHK IBCE / HKU Architecture etc.
I think those programs may enroll retakers like you.


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