
緊急,請高手幫我評下,唔該晒(我只望leve 2)

緊急,請高手幫我評下,唔該晒(我只望leve 2)

No plasitc day should be made conpulsory or the plastic bag will be chagred.Do you agree?
    Nowadays, pollution problem tend to more and more serious. One of the reasons is using the plastic.lt is unavailable to decompose ,so it can risk our health. Therefore, we should have concern to use the plastic foods like plastic bag. But avoid the plastic bag using seem to be unable to our live.
   In the first place, When we buy a newspaper to bring a dinner box out, we almost to use the plastic bags. According to the report. One person was using almost ten plastic bag daily. It is necessary??Or only a habit?
   To Given that situation ,the government implement the ”No plastic day” activity. And also considerate to have a charge where we are using. Therefore, I highly agree that. The policy can prevent the people to unnecessary using. It is considerate of people to use the plastic bag.
   Moreover, we can use the recycle bag and ECO bag instead of the plastic bag. Such as we can bring a more bigger handbag daily. While we go out to purchase the foods ,we can put the foods into our handbag for saving the bag. These ways which save the natural resources
   All in all, it is responsible of our duty. With a view to solving the pollution problem and to protect the earth. Please take action to decrease for using the plastic bag.


It is necessary??

According to the report. One
According to the report. <- ,  [complete?]


pollution problem tend to more and more ?(to ?more ?)
tend to be more and more

. Therefore, we should have concern(have ?concern?  唔需要have) to use the plastic foods(what is this?) like plastic bag.

But avoid the plastic bag using seem to be unable to our live.
   In the first place, When we buy a newspaper to bring a dinner box out(您講緊d咩?意思上講唔通,應該係2種意思?
, we almost(v ?) to use the plastic bags.

It is considerate of people to use the plastic bag.
be  considerate of 是解體諒


But avoid the plastic bag using seem to be unable to our live.

"using" -> used (plastic係主語, 死物黎架, 係used by the people)
"avoid" -> avoiding (but係連接詞, 應該跟noun/"to"+verb/verb-ing)"
"To Given that situation", 應該係to that given situation, 大部分"to"之後應該跟infinitive (verb既present tense)
(except "I'm looking forward to seeing you" - for寫信既)
"the government implement the ”No plastic day” activity", "implement"要加"s",因為government係singular noun.
"And also considerate to have a charge where we are using." "Therefore, I highly agree that.", using乜野, agree that乜野? 你呢兩句都冇左個OBJECT, 一句意思通順既句子一定會交代清楚subject+verb+object(SVO), 前者你簡單咁加番個"it" or "them"就得(視乎plastic bag有冇"s"), 後者加番policy會好好多......
Such as we can bring a more bigger handbag daily. 你daily換左"everyday"或 "in our daily life"(唔知有冇錯)
The policy can prevent the people to unnecessary using. "防止人地做一樣野"係"prevent....from....."唔係to, unnecessary using -> using "unnecessarily" (verb係跟adverb既)
Please take action to decrease for using the plastic bag.-> 呢句睇落有少少問題, 換轉係Please take action to decrease the use of plastic bag.會順d

暫時小弟所知既grammatical mistake係咁多.
如果你篇writing冇咩grammatical mistakes, 都應該有level 3架la
anyway, 祝你考試順利~加油!

[ 本帖最後由 leochan_2004 於 2009-5-7 11:28 PM 編輯 ]


acky0620: 多謝你既提點
leochan_2004:好多謝你咁小時間都打咁多野幫我 ,好感動,有d我禽日真係有用返,你真係打救左我,多謝晒你


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