
can anyone give the suggestions

can anyone give the suggestions

both of ce writing in 08...don't consider the word of number....can i pass in ce ???

   I think the theme park should be like the Ocean Park.
   I think this type of theme park would attract young people because according some research about the children of age between 12 to17 years old; almost people interest to study biology. If the park can educate more biology in the park like Ocean park, I’m sure it can attract young people come to the park.      
   The kinds of activities people could do there would be doing the answer the question game and play with animals of ocean. Because people like to study that especially biology, answer the question game can make the people feel interesting and they can learn more knowledge. And people can play with animals of ocean, also can increase their interest.

   My school building is going to be pulled down as part of the redevelopment of the area. I think is not good idea. I have two reasons to prove my view. First the student will find the new school in the short time. It is make the effect about studies to the student.
And pulled down the school will make the pollution in the redevelopment of the area. It must use much money to handle the pollution; it will be waste the money.
   Although have a few reason here, but it can prove the idea is not good because the idea will make the effect to the student. The student will find the new school in the short time. I think it not be fair with them.


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