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[Eng] paper 2 Writing proposal (求評+level) 感謝

paper 2 Writing proposal (求評+level) 感謝

Thank you!

You are the chairperson of the Social Services Club and are now planning to organize some activities to prevent Internet Addiction. Write a proposal to your Principal.

Proposal On Preventing Internet Addiction

     As the chairperson of the Social Services Club in which always shows caring to social issues through various activities, I am very much concerned about the students' indulgence on the Internet every day. To promote appropriate attitude and the importance of self-controlling in using the Internet, I would like to outline three insights.

     1. Morning Assembly And Announcement
     Morning assembly is of fundamental importance in encouraging proper use on Internet as it is the very first activity. The whole school including teaching staff and students is going to gather and line up at the auditorium after the bell has rang. Then, there will be a presentation from our club members. With the help from the related News articles on the consequences of the addiction issues, it is convincing for students  to have high awareness of it. In addition, students are taught about what are the symptoms of their addictions like become furious at who advising them to take a rest, which are sorts of self-examinations. Even though some of them are not anyone of the victims got reported massively, students can ask for counselling and preventive measures could be taken individually.

     2. Junior English Drama Competition
     Junior Drama Competition plays decisive role in merging entertainment and formal education. Each class works as a team to perform an short stories about Internet addiction will be dedicated to the whole school on the hall stage. It is kinds of extracurricular activity by which promoting both arts and being a temperate netizen. Students are required to search the information of Internet addiction themselves, have discussion and make the props needed, which is regarding as self-learning. Moreover, the audience may hand in a review on the show, aiming to motivate them to think deeply instead of seeing it merely as a funny show. After all, that is the crux of a series of events.

     3. Exploring Other Probabilities
     It pays to provide any other leisure activities to replace the excessive use of Internet. Most of them are sitting just  in front of the LCD screen for a long period of time just because of the boredom they found. As a result, we are working through with the Broad Game Club see that we can lend all the puzzle game, say, the renowned ''Monopoly'', so that students can have fun with their buddies after school instead of running to home for the Internet. It is not only restricted on the table games but to remind students they are not running out of choices. In this way, the time they spend on the Internet will be greatly reduced.

     We need to take a clear eye look at how grave the situation is our new generation is making friend only with the computers in their rooms. In view of this, it is a thoughtful time we devised new strategy to deal with it. So, act now!

[ 本帖最後由 15935700 於 2013-12-26 08:08 PM 編輯 ]


As the chairperson of the Social Services Club in which always shows caring to social issues through various activities, I am very much concerned about the students' indulgence on the net every day.


明白 除此之外 還有甚麼改進的地方


i mean 1/2/3
-2015 DSE-






As the chairperson of the Social Services Club in which always shows caring to social issues through various activities

in which 後面可以冇subject?


The problem is: "in which" is wrong because "in" should not be added
自學英文無難度!Learning English ON YOUR OWN!
Autodidact 自學者




Concluding sentences are needed. Also, when u outlining the details of the suggestions, remember to repond the the topic.


Nice passage!


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