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標題: [中文] 對中文好迷茫 [打印本頁]

作者: DanneyTsang    時間: 2016-3-24 11:44 AM     標題: 對中文好迷茫

小弟今年中四 但係中文科  校內試只係係合格邊緣徘徊,我四份卷都係咁。次次想溫中文果。陣都冇方向,之後就放棄左唔溫或者溫其他科。所以求高人指點迷津

作者: dse55555    時間: 2016-3-24 12:54 PM

作者: 1165143148    時間: 2016-3-24 01:02 PM

中文靠平時read book,考試才臨急抱佛腳 ,stop la
作者: newspaper    時間: 2016-3-24 02:04 PM

作者: 214519330    時間: 2016-3-24 10:47 PM

If I were you, I would try to do many reading comprehension exercise to improve my reading, as well as my writing by investigating how the author writes the text, for instance, how does the writer use a wide variety of 論證手法 to make the text a persuasive text.
But I am weak in listening, I am still working hard to improve my listening skills. Thus, I can't tell you any skills to improve listening now.
For speaking, I advise you try to link your points when speaking, using connectives and other kinds of connecting methods, like "firstly", "secondly", "in conclusion", etc. On the contrary, I think we need not to use a 古語, provided that we have a clear stance, persuasive points and a clear organization. In addition, we should be confident when we are speaking or having face-to-face communications with others. I suggest you joining some public speaking classes or announcing messages in the morning assembly.
Work hard! If you work hard, you will be succeed!
These are all my learning experience which could be wrong for learning Chinese. Consider my suggestions as references only. I hope my suggestions do work for you!
作者: Cooldown    時間: 2016-3-31 07:42 PM

你中四咋 咁就頹

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