
[出讓] 【賣帖】3


各大英文雜誌 , 包括times, newsweek, fortune, discovery channel etc.

- HKAL UE reading經常採用當中之文章!!!!!!!!!!!

- Oral環節既news piece都係

- 學習純正英語良品!!!!!!!!!

- 紀錄近期世界大事2009-2010, 擴闊視野, 提高時事觸覺
   e.g. 美國油田生態災
- 具紀念及收藏價值

現兩折,每本$10 !!!!!!!!




* 為特別推介

Amaths (also suitable for AL Math & Stat, 334 M2)

*1. Tin Fung Amath Mock paper + full solution  $20
* 2. Further Amths 套餐(bk1,2)  + full solution  4本共$80
3. Herman Yeung+Dick Hui Differentiation Notes+pp  $20

with Caculus(differentiation+Integration) and binomial

Math(also suitable for 334 M1)

* 1. New progress maths套餐(4本共$40)
a. New progress in certificate Mock paper + full solution
b. New progess in certificate Examination Guides
c. Maths Breakthrough MC + full solution- Hong Kong Education Publishing Co.

*2. Longman Revisvion Express Mock+ full solution  $20

*3. Hong Kong Exam & research maths MC 送 HKE&R math mock ($10 for all)

*4. Wilson Liu MC 100全攻略vol. 1-6  共6本$30
5. Dick Hui Menstruation notes+pp questions   $10

6. Math CE pastpaper LQ 88-09+MC 80-09  $50

*1. New cert. Conventional questions bk1 & 2 $40
*2, Joint-us Phy MC 1,2,3 3本共$30
3. Phy CE by topic pastpaper 90-03 $20
4. Success Key for HKAL physics 1 (mechanics)  $30
5. New Physics at work bk 1,2,3,4 with examination bk $20 for all

1. Chem CE pastpaper by year and by topic 94-08    $40 for all
2. Chemistry A Modern View bk 1ABC,2,3,4+ 21st cent. Chemistry  8本 $40 for all

*1. New Cert. Bio bk 1,2,3 3本$40
2. Bio CE pastpaper LQ 85-08+MC 84,87-90  $50 for all

1. New Certificate Series 套餐(4本共$60)
-New Cert. Econ. Complete notes and exam practices Bk 1 & 2
-New Cert. Econ. Short and Structured Quesitons Bk 1&2

2. Elements Econ. For Hong Kong Bk 1,2&3 (3本共$30)
3. Ec**0-06 分topic pastpaper 送09 edition joint-us solution $40 for all

買Geog任何野送15cm厚名校Geog分topic Notes and mock papers and map reading skills notes

* 1. Tactics MC (Themes+issues) 2本共$20 - Multimedia

2. Certificate Exploring Geography bk 1,2&3+New Certificate Geography revision exercises -Oxford (4本共$40)
3. Geog 00-06 pastpaper 送09 edition Joint-us solution $30 for all

1. 舊制啟思中國語文中一至五上下連語文能力訓練共15本 共$60

1. 舊制啟思中國語文中一至五上下連語文能力訓練共15本 共$60

[ 本帖最後由 andy55699 於 2010-10-7 11:45 PM 編輯 ]


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