
[中文] 初中中文科求檔帖

1. 小學數學新思維
2. 新亞洲小學常識
3. 探究小學常識
4. 新小學數學
5. English to Enjoy
6. Headstart
7. 教育出版社普通話
8. Step Up
9. Lighthouse
10. 新亞洲中國語文
11. 小學數學
12. 現代常識
13. Family and Friends
14. Star Summit
15. 香港音樂
16. OUP 中文 音樂 數學(Primary)
17. Living Oxford English

1. Junior Oxford Essential/ Advanced Listening
2. Advantage (Second Edition)
3. HKDSE Grammar
4. Oxford Advanced Exam Skills (Second Edition)
5. OUP Phy
6. OUP Bio
7. Aristo (marketing)
8. Pearson (marketing)
10. HKEP (marketing)
11. Lingkee (marketing)
12. Pearson Activate Physics (link)
13. 《啟思中國語文》(第四版)(初中)
14. 《啟思新高中中國語文》(第二版)
15. 《啟思新高中中國語文》(第二版)
16. Junior Oxford Essential/ Advanced Listening
17. New Junior Thematic Anthology
18. Oxford Essential HKDSE Practice Papers (2016 Edition)
19. Oxford English (Second Edition)
20. Success in Grammar (Second Edition)
21. HKDSE Grammar
22. New Thematic Anthology
23. Oxford Advanced HKDSE Practice Papers (2016 Edition)
24. Junior Oxford Essential/Advanced Listening
25. New Treasure Plus (Second Edition)
26. Success in Grammar (Second Edition)
27. OUP Maths (Junior)
28. OUP 生活與數學
29. OUP Maths (Senior)
30. OUP Mastering Science
31. OUP New Mastering Science
32. OUP Geography (Junior)
33. OUP Geography (Senior)
34. OUP Geography (Junior+Senior)
35. 啟思新高中中國語文(選修課程)
36. 文達生活與社會
37. 明報通識網
38. Pearson Primary
39. 明報通識
40. 現代初高中中史
41. HKEP Maths Junior
42. Pilot Competence Pre-HKDSE All-in-one Practice (With TSA)
43. Pilot Performance Plus for the HKDSE
44. EPPHK Maths in Focus
45. EPHHK 今日常識新領域 我愛學語文
46. OUP English New Magic Ready
47. OUP All in one (marketing)
48. HKEP Ebook
49. Marshallcavendish All in one (Senior)
50. 文達通識
51. 聖言歷屆試題
52. 華英歷屆試題(Maths+M1+M2)
53. Mers All in One (Secondary)
54. Manhattan Junior Geog
55. Manhattan Maths
56. Manhattan Phy
57. Manhattan Bio
58. Manhattan Chem
59. Manhattan LS
60. Manhattan CHist
61. Manhattan Econ
62. Mers All in one(Primary)
63. EPPHK 小學數學新思維 ebook
63. Pilot Performance Paper 3 [4] Answer Checking CD
64. Pilot Performance Paper 3 [5] Answer Checking CD
65. OUP Maths F5 F6 ebook

另部分帳號有 Ebook 未能盡列
歡迎 PM 查詢買賣交換!!



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