
[IELTS] 作短文,求幫手睇下大概會拎幾多分


Given are the table that shows CO2 Emissionsfor six transports in the European Union and the Pie Chart that shows thepercentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport.
According to the table, we can see immediatelythat air has most grams of CO2 passenger. It has almost 400 KM grams of CO2 per passenger. The secondmost that has grams of CO2 is cars passenger and it is nearly a third of thefirst one, air. The third one that has most grams of CO2 is buses passenger. Ithas about half of grams of CO2 of passenger cars, 75KM. The other three main transports that has mostgrams of CO2 per passenger are Coaches, Maritime and rail. Their CO2 are almostthe same, fifty KM grams of CO2 per passenger.
Move to the Pie Chart, we can see immediatelythat European Union funds being spent most on roads. It has almost spent halfof funds on roads. The second most of spent is the railways. It has spent athird of funds. The third one that spend most funds is public transport. It’sfunds is much less that railways that it is only tenth of European Union funds.The other 5% of funds is spend on inland waterway, ports, airports, and unknowntransport.
We can see that European Union spent toomuch money on roads. If it spend more on airports, it would help much morepassenger.


Given are the table that shows CO2 Emissionsfor six transports in the European Union and the Pie Chart that shows thepercentage offunds being spent on different forms of transport.
According to the table, we can seeimmediately that air has highest grams of CO2passenger. It has almost 400 KMgrams of CO2 per passenger. The second high thathas grams of CO2 is cars passenger and it is nearly a third of the first one,air. The one that has third high grams of CO2 isbuses passenger. It has about half of grams of CO2 of passenger of cars, 75KM. The other three main transports that have high grams of CO2 per passenger are Coaches,Maritime and rail. Their grams of CO2 are almost the same, 50 KM grams of CO2 per passenger.
Move to the Pie Chart, we can see immediatelythat most of European Union funds were being spent onroads. It were almost spent half of funds onroads. The second high percentage of spent isthe railways. It has spent nearly a third of funds, 32%. The one that spends third high funds is publictransport. The funds of it are so much less thanrailways that it is only tenth of European Union funds. The other 5% offunds is spending on inland waterway, ports,airports, and unknown transport.
We can see that European Union spent toomuch money on roads. If it spends more on airports,it would help much more passenger.


The graph shows the number of mobile phonesand landlines per 100 people in seven selected countries. Overall, we canimmediately see that most of countries have more mobile phones that land lines.
It is clear that most of European countrieshave high mobile phones use. Italypeople have 90 mobile phones per 100 people, meaning that there is about 90% ofItalypeople have a mobile phone. In Sweden,UK, and Denmark, thereare nearly 90 mobile phones per 100 people. Germany’s people have more than 70mobile phones per 100 people. The other two countries people, US and Canada, havemuch less mobile phone. US people have only almost 50 mobile phones per 100people. Canadapeople have only about 35 mobile phones per 100 people.
When we look at the data of land lines, wecan immediately see that Denmarkpeople have most land lines phone. There are almost 90 land lines per 100people. The other five main countries that have most number of land lines are Sweden, US, UK,Canada and Germany. Theirnumber of land lines are near, about 60 land lines per 100 people. The leastone country is Italy,there are only about 40 land lines per 100 people.
According to this graph, we can find thatif a country has more mobile phones, there will be less land lines.


[ 本帖最後由 不文人a 於 2012-2-8 08:08 PM 編輯 ]


listening 拎25/40分 有無6.0?最低幾多先拎到6.0?我希望操卷操到6.0最低既分再加2分先去考
reading都一起, e家操到21/38
The table shows the figures for imprisonment in five countries between 1930 and 1980. We can see immediately that there was a big changing in 5 countries.
In Great Britain, the umber of imprisonment is increasing form 3000 in 1930 to 80 000 in 1980. On the other hand, in Australia and New Zealand, the umber of imprisonment fell markedly .Until 1950, they hit the bottom at about 40 000. After that, they advance to the peak, 70 000 in 1970. Ten years later, the umber of imprisonment in Australia plummet to 50 000. However, in New Zealand, the umber of imprisonment is still increasing to 90 000. The umber of imprisonment in US was keeping stably high. In those 60 years, the umber of imprisonment was always being about 12000. The same phenomenon could be seen in Canada between 1930 and 1950. The figure for Canada was about 110 000. In 1950, there was a rebounding. It was dropping remarkable form 110 000 in 1950 to 90 000.


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