
[出讓] 【dse賣帖】5

超多!! 出售大量 教科書/ pp/ joints up/ last min/ 各科補習notes/ 其他雜項書藉


use of english step and skills 6 listening  $40

文化專題應試訓練  $40

new way chemistry 1  $60

new way chemistry 2 (copy ver) $25

new way chemistry 3A (copy ver) $25

21st century chemistry $30

(chem) alan cheng tas 攻略 $70
alan cheng 的 tas攻略有齊實驗步驟, 數據同問題答案, 助你校內實驗奪取高分

(chem) alan cheng tas vol.3 (inorg.chem)  $70
alan cheng 的 tas攻略有齊實驗步驟, 數據同問題答案, 助你校內實驗奪取高分

mini school atlas (袖珍世界地圖集)  $60

高級程度物理 實驗手冊 2, 3  $15(2本)

pure mathematics (hung fung) algebra, calculus&analytical geometry 1, calculus&analytical geometry 2  $300 (3本)

文達數學及統計學 1, 2  $130 (2本)

Tom Duncan advanced physics for hong kong 1, 2 (個人認為係十分好用的physics參考書, 尤其想phy攞高grade的人) $250 (2本)

Mastering Advanced Physics 全套 (copy ver, 好新, 幾乎未做過) $150

joint-us/ last min:

joint us pure maths solution (08 ver) $30
送 K.S.NG 2009 al pure maths solution guide

joint us chemistry solution $55

joint us physics solution $85

last minute physics 1, 2  $60 (2本)

pastpaper: (呢度全部pp print 咗成800蚊..)

use of english pp (section c, reading & language system) (93-11,  欠03, 07)
1. mia wong pastpaper sectionC ans 5本(94-08)
2. useful phrase & vocabulary 1, 2 + 作文經典句子35個 + commen error
3. ue pp 數份

phyics pp+marking(83-11)
送: H.L.Tam physics notes 6本 (projectile motion, circular motion, SHM A,B,C, rotational motion)

chem pp+marking(97-11)
買chem pp送sally wong chem notes 3本(org chem 1, 2,  org chem reactions) + tony yoon chem notes 2本(organic compounds A, B)

數學及統計學 pp+marking(99-11) (03,10冇marking)  
(送 模擬試卷數份)

pure maths pp (87-94, 02-03, 09)  
送: pure maths 94-07 by topic pp + revision test

中化 pp 98-03  (6本$30)

以下pastpaper $10本:

01 ue pp

98-02 chem pp

92-96 phy pp

98-02 phy pp

95-99 bio pp

04 pure maths pp

CE 97-01 mathematics


CY Chau regular phy notes + pp by topic (electricity & magnetism, atomic physics)
CY Chau all in one intensive (齊哂4個topic, mechanic, wave, e&m, matter(即DSE課程中haet&gas+atomic physics)同pastpaper)
(全靠cy 我原本好差嘅phy先至唔使死!)

CW Sham phy regular notes + pp by topic (全topic齊, 07 ver)
CW 的 notes 公認比教科書還要詳盡好用

CW Sham phy regular notes (wave, 12 ver)

alan cheng chem regular notes + pp by topic + capture.A (全topic齊)
alan cheng 的notes 有如教科書般詳盡整齊, 示例亦多, capture.A更有所有課題重點重溫

Evan Wong chem regular notes (organic, inorganic, green chem & laboratory technique) + pp by topic + mock exam
Evan Wong chem intensive notes (physical chem) + pp by topic + 計數天書(秒殺physical chem計數題)
EvanWong 的 notes十分精簡, 有好多特別skills, 並善於化繁複為簡單

K.S.NG pure maths intensive notes (integration, 一共4本)
KS NG 係 pure maths書(hung fung)的作者






超多!! 出售大量 教科書/ pp/ joints up/ last min/ 各科補習notes/ 其他雜項書藉


use of english step and skills 6 listening  $40

文化專題應試訓練  $40

new way chemistry 1  $60

new way chemistry 2 (copy ver) $25

new way chemistry 3A (copy ver) $25

21st century chemistry $30

(chem) alan cheng tas 攻略 $70
alan cheng 的 tas攻略有齊實驗步驟, 數據同問題答案, 助你校內實驗奪取高分

(chem) alan cheng tas vol.3 (inorg.chem)  $70
alan cheng 的 tas攻略有齊實驗步驟, 數據同問題答案, 助你校內實驗奪取高分

mini school atlas (袖珍世界地圖集)  $60

高級程度物理 實驗手冊 2, 3  $15(2本)

pure mathematics (hung fung) algebra, calculus&analytical geometry 1, calculus&analytical geometry 2  $300 (3本)

文達數學及統計學 1, 2  $130 (2本)

Tom Duncan advanced physics for hong kong 1, 2 (個人認為係十分好用的physics參考書, 尤其想phy攞高grade的人) $250 (2本)

Mastering Advanced Physics 全套 (copy ver, 好新, 幾乎未做過) $150

joint-us/ last min:

joint us pure maths solution (08 ver) $30
送 K.S.NG 2009 al pure maths solution guide

joint us chemistry solution $55

joint us physics solution $85

last minute physics 1, 2  $60 (2本)

pastpaper: (呢度全部pp print 咗成800蚊..)

use of english pp (section c, reading & language system) (93-11,  欠03, 07)
1. mia wong pastpaper sectionC ans 5本(94-08)
2. useful phrase & vocabulary 1, 2 + 作文經典句子35個 + commen error
3. ue pp 數份

phyics pp+marking(83-11)
送: H.L.Tam physics notes 6本 (projectile motion, circular motion, SHM A,B,C, rotational motion)

chem pp+marking(97-11)
買chem pp送sally wong chem notes 3本(org chem 1, 2,  org chem reactions) + tony yoon chem notes 2本(organic compounds A, B)

數學及統計學 pp+marking(99-11) (03,10冇marking)  
(送 模擬試卷數份)

pure maths pp (87-94, 02-03, 09)  
送: pure maths 94-07 by topic pp + revision test

中化 pp 98-03  (6本$30)

以下pastpaper $10本:

01 ue pp

98-02 chem pp

92-96 phy pp

98-02 phy pp

95-99 bio pp

04 pure maths pp

CE 97-01 mathematics


CY Chau regular phy notes + pp by topic (electricity & magnetism, atomic physics)
CY Chau all in one intensive (齊哂4個topic, mechanic, wave, e&m, matter(即DSE課程中haet&gas+atomic physics)同pastpaper)
(全靠cy 我原本好差嘅phy先至唔使死!)

CW Sham phy regular notes + pp by topic (全topic齊, 07 ver)
CW 的 notes 公認比教科書還要詳盡好用

CW Sham phy regular notes (wave, 12 ver)

alan cheng chem regular notes + pp by topic + capture.A (全topic齊)
alan cheng 的notes 有如教科書般詳盡整齊, 示例亦多, capture.A更有所有課題重點重溫

Evan Wong chem regular notes (organic, inorganic, green chem & laboratory technique) + pp by topic + mock exam
Evan Wong chem intensive notes (physical chem) + pp by topic + 計數天書(秒殺physical chem計數題)
EvanWong 的 notes十分精簡, 有好多特別skills, 並善於化繁複為簡單

K.S.NG pure maths intensive notes (integration, 一共4本)
KS NG 係 pure maths書(hung fung)的作者





超多!! 出售大量 教科書/ pp/ joints up/ last min/ 各科補習notes/ 其他雜項書藉


use of english step and skills 6 listening  $40

文化專題應試訓練  $40

new way chemistry 1  $60

new way chemistry 2 (copy ver) $25

new way chemistry 3A (copy ver) $25

21st century chemistry $30

(chem) alan cheng tas 攻略 $70
alan cheng 的 tas攻略有齊實驗步驟, 數據同問題答案, 助你校內實驗奪取高分

(chem) alan cheng tas vol.3 (inorg.chem)  $70
alan cheng 的 tas攻略有齊實驗步驟, 數據同問題答案, 助你校內實驗奪取高分

mini school atlas (袖珍世界地圖集)  $60

高級程度物理 實驗手冊 2, 3  $15(2本)

pure mathematics (hung fung) algebra, calculus&analytical geometry 1, calculus&analytical geometry 2  $300 (3本)

文達數學及統計學 1, 2  $130 (2本)

Tom Duncan advanced physics for hong kong 1, 2 (個人認為係十分好用的physics參考書, 尤其想phy攞高grade的人) $250 (2本)

Mastering Advanced Physics 全套 (copy ver, 好新, 幾乎未做過) $150

joint-us/ last min:

joint us pure maths solution (08 ver) $30
送 K.S.NG 2009 al pure maths solution guide

joint us chemistry solution $55

joint us physics solution $85

last minute physics 1, 2  $60 (2本)

pastpaper: (呢度全部pp print 咗成800蚊..)

use of english pp (section c, reading & language system) (93-11,  欠03, 07)
1. mia wong pastpaper sectionC ans 5本(94-08)
2. useful phrase & vocabulary 1, 2 + 作文經典句子35個 + commen error
3. ue pp 數份

phyics pp+marking(83-11)
送: H.L.Tam physics notes 6本 (projectile motion, circular motion, SHM A,B,C, rotational motion)

chem pp+marking(97-11)
買chem pp送sally wong chem notes 3本(org chem 1, 2,  org chem reactions) + tony yoon chem notes 2本(organic compounds A, B)

數學及統計學 pp+marking(99-11) (03,10冇marking)  
(送 模擬試卷數份)

pure maths pp (87-94, 02-03, 09)  
送: pure maths 94-07 by topic pp + revision test

中化 pp 98-03  (6本$30)

以下pastpaper $10本:

01 ue pp

98-02 chem pp

92-96 phy pp

98-02 phy pp

95-99 bio pp

04 pure maths pp

CE 97-01 mathematics


CY Chau regular phy notes + pp by topic (electricity & magnetism, atomic physics)
CY Chau all in one intensive (齊哂4個topic, mechanic, wave, e&m, matter(即DSE課程中haet&gas+atomic physics)同pastpaper)
(全靠cy 我原本好差嘅phy先至唔使死!)

CW Sham phy regular notes + pp by topic (全topic齊, 07 ver)
CW 的 notes 公認比教科書還要詳盡好用

CW Sham phy regular notes (wave, 12 ver)

alan cheng chem regular notes + pp by topic + capture.A (全topic齊)
alan cheng 的notes 有如教科書般詳盡整齊, 示例亦多, capture.A更有所有課題重點重溫

Evan Wong chem regular notes (organic, inorganic, green chem & laboratory technique) + pp by topic + mock exam
Evan Wong chem intensive notes (physical chem) + pp by topic + 計數天書(秒殺physical chem計數題)
EvanWong 的 notes十分精簡, 有好多特別skills, 並善於化繁複為簡單

K.S.NG pure maths intensive notes (integration, 一共4本)
KS NG 係 pure maths書(hung fung)的作者





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