
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 87

1. U
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7. 5*
8. 5**



TOPIC :You are Chris Wong, a member of the school Debating Club. A few day ago, youwent to a debate competition where the debate motion was" Tests and examsare a barrier to learning". You were impressed by argument presented byboth sides. Write an essay discussing the prosand cons of having test and exams in education.
Nowadays, manystudent, primary and secondary students, always face more and more test andexam. According to survey of Hong Kong student about learning, above 80% ofstudents says that they are learning hard because they don't want to get a badresult. Only 20% of students says that are learning hard in order to learning aknowledge. It shows a reason why good academic performance. Do you think thissituation is normal?
I don't thinkso.  Therefore, I will share my views of the pros and cons of havingexams and tests in education.
Now, Ishare the first advantage of having exam and tests. It put stress on students, asa result to learning hard. Students study in
schoolevery workday, but how do we to sure that they are learning hard? The answer isthat add the pressure of exam and test on them. Students study hard when stresson them.
The secondpros of exam and tests in education is that class different ability of studentsin learning. The exam and test know what their level in learning. After exam ortest, school can focus on students of bad performance to help them.
It is partsof pros of exam and test. After, I would go to the disadvantage of exam andtest.
The cons ofexam and test in education is big pressure. Like my saying, parts of studentswho is learning hard but stupid, as a result, they need to spend more time studying.If schools set up exam or test, it will be unfavorable for them. They are ableto get a pass mark so that they spend more and more time to review and learn. Asa result, their health is hurt. Education is based on having students of goodhealth. If student’s body is bad, education will not be good.
All in all,I suggest having exam and test in education. Although exam and test have anegative effect for student, the positive influence is more than the negative effect.Education trains teenagers and teach them knowledge. If we don’t have any examsor tests for them, they lack motivation. Therefore, we need to set up the examand test to make sure to keep the effective of education.
我都知我作我好差, 分分鐘計2都冇, 但我都想怒力改善, 望各位多加評見


well, which part ?
Part A 200 words
Part B 400 words


原帖由 mathsidoit 於 2013-11-17 09:29 AM 發表
well, which part ?
Part A 200 words
Part B 400 words
part b






i think is level 2-3


i think it deserves level 1


you have made quite a number of grammatical mistakes and your arguments are not well elaborated. you used too much chinglish as well. however, i can still observe that some language patterns are used. your vocab range is acceptable too. thus you deserve a level 3.

[ 本帖最後由 edogawaconan 於 2014-2-15 11:20 AM 編輯 ]


'Nowadays, many student, primary and secondary students, always face more and more test and exam.' -> "Nowadays, all students are facing more and more tests and exams"  
I don't think so   ==
"but how do we to sure that they are learning hard? " -> "but how can we sure that they are learning hard"
"many student" -> " many students" ...... lots of grammar problems
"big pressure" -> "great pressure" ......go ozdic.com to learn the collocation
Comments :Good points: some vocab are used ( motivation & all in all) but don't use words like "stupid" and "i don't think so"
At most level 3
申利:我都係今年DSE 我又作下呢篇先 hehe 加油



1. Nowadays, many students no matter they are in primary or secondary, have to face the influx of tests and examinations.
2. However, can we ensure their hard work?


原帖由 kelvinyhy 於 2014-2-25 02:03 PM 發表
'Nowadays, many student, primary and secondary students, always face more and more test and exam.' -> "Nowadays, all students are facing more and more tests and exams"  
I don't think ...
多謝哂各位CHING 概指導,
我會努力改善, 順便問問ozdic.com點用? 我唔識用 -.-



The composition is in the wrong register. Never use first person in academic writing.
"Do you think this situation is normal?" --> "How can this situation be normal?"
examS and testS --> you are addressing ALL tests and exams in throughout the passage, not just one single test/exam.

Note that you are writing a passage to discuss pros and cons not to write a debate speech.




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