
[問題] 2013 通識奪 5**心得

2013 通識奪 5**心得

我係上件DSE奪了5**╴想同大家分享一些心得You will be benefited in class discussion, if your classmates are smart. I study in top school but in bottom class, my class mates are not willing to share their opinion, class discussion become useless !
1) Tutorial school is needed, you need to get sample essay and points to memorize, I had tried Keith Leung and Costa Chan, they are good

2) You need to find experienced tutor to mark your essay and give you feedbackLast year, I was so lucky that my dad had network  and helped me to find an HKDSE HKEAA marker to be my private tutor, charging $350/hour or above ....Actually, I introduced  him to my classmates, finally they got level 5* or above... he is quite useful in helping top students

3) Try more mock exams to enhance your time management

4) There are 16 exam question words used in essay type questions, revise them and practice them

5) Reading newspaper is useless, reading editorial is more useful 6) Like Chinese, you need to improve the subject by doing essay and marking.... reading notes can guarantee  level 4 but not for level 5 or above.... Please try to find quality private tutor to have one to one tutor with you, they can tell your exact problem and improve it (very effective !!!)


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