
[問題] IES 書面訪問 [電子遊戲如何影響青少年的發展] 只阻你幾分鐘 打機嘅人helppp!!

IES 書面訪問 [電子遊戲如何影響青少年的發展] 只阻你幾分鐘 打機嘅人helppp!!



1. What got you started into gaming? 點解你會打機?
2. What games do you currently play? 玩緊咩 game?
3. About how many hours have played you on each game? 你平均用幾多時間黎玩?
4. How does it interest you/suit you? Whats appealing about the games? 個game有咩吸引之處?
5. Some Internet games have a negative reputation in somecircles. Like how head shot and blood shedding are horrible and violence. Isthis a fair assessment and what do you think? 有人話網絡上有d game ge 情節(e.g. 爆頭噴血) 太血腥暴力,你又有咩意見?
6. In your opinion, do you think that your gaming habbitaffects your other aspects of life (for example, academic and personalrelationship)? 你覺得你打機的習慣有無影響你個人其他方面生活?
(e.g. 同家人關係,有無嗌交// 學業成績)
7. How do you arrange your time for gaming? There are talksin the society about how teenagers are addicted to computer. How do you feelabout the exertion of self-control over gaming? 你係點樣管理你ge時間?你又點睇有人話青少年好容易打機成癮ge睇法呢?
8. Do you think that gaming enlarges your social circle orrestricts it? How do you feel about your relationship with others in real lifeand virtual world? 你覺得打機系擴大你社交圈定限制咗佢?你點睇網絡上識ge朋友與現實識ge朋友?
9. How do you feel about the characteristic of anonymity online?你點睇網絡上匿名ge性質?
10. Some said that video game is an escape from harshreality. What do you think? Do you think that it is a way to relieve stress? 有人以打機黎逃避現實, 又有形容如'隱青'、'廢青'呢d詞,你又點睇?
11.Did your parents ever pressure on you about your gaminghobby? How do you feel about your parentsattitude towards your regarding your hobby? 你ge家長又點睇打機呢回事?
12. Did you ever disclose any personal information online?How did you protect yourself aaginst online trap which are usually present intrading of games? 個人資料方面,你係點處理ge呢?
13. Do you know that there are ratings for video games? Didyou follow it or look up at it before starting a new game? What is your opinionabout it? 你知唔知道電腦遊戲系有評級 ge 呢? 你又點睇呢d評級?

[ 本帖最後由 好學生 於 2014-8-14 01:14 PM 編輯 ]




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