
[Econ] 如ECON有難題請內進留言(希望大家有個好o既Econ成績)

回覆 27# shan88991122 的帖子

A, C and D make the bank to maintain its minimum reserve(the required reserve) level. But in B , the condition of actual reserve is higher than required reserve. As a result, an increase in demand of bank loan reduce the amount of excess reserve to satisfy the demand, thus the actual reserve ratio decrease.

To clarify, without any clear information stating the reserve condition of the bank, we should assume the reserve is in minimum reserve level where the excess amount of deposit will be in money creation. Only B says the demand of loan increase, and the only condition that the bank can lend more is: the bank has excess reserve.



回覆 25# surelose123456 的帖子

In a simple way, you can draw the MD and MS graph. Where nominal interest rate= real interest rate + inflation rate.  If there is inflation, nominal interest rate will decrease . MS is always constant(only government and bank can adjust it), thus a decrease in interest rate causes MD to decrease to reach its equilibrium level. The theory of transection and asset demand of money takes more time to assume and explain . Do you want me to do that? ( it will be in a lower priority cuz it takes more time, sorry)


but i wonder change in required reserve ratio only change the amount of required and excess reserve ? but not actual reserve ,so that there is no effect to monetary base?


回覆 33# manvela 的帖子

plz have a look on reply no.27





回覆 35# tony0038 的帖子

Sorry, these kind of theoretical question(inefficient market) cant be answered in here because if I miss some points, it will cause misleading to you, plz refer to your text book. But shortage is one form of inefficient market because it is not in the equilibrium level of production, under shortage, MB> equilibrium P >MC, , which is in inefficient level of production.


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