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[Eng] English Writing 求狠評

English Writing 求狠評

DSE2013 Q7. Asian singers and movie stars are gaining popularity all over the world and are no longer appealing only to Asian audiences. Write an article for your school newspaper explaining why Asian stars are gaining popularity in Western countries. Give a title to your article.

Asian artists as rising stars in the eye of Westerners, but why?

It is difficult for Asian stars to gain popularity in foreign countries in the past. That is one of the reasons why we, the Hong Kong people, have been so proud of our martial art supernova, Bruce Lee, as he was one of few artists who can actually shine in front of Westerners, which was generally considered as a mission impossible at that time. However, the pendulum has swung the other way. It is no longer strange to see a foreign die hard fans chanting for a K-pop group. The reasons why the popularity of Asian stars has such a drastic change will be explained in the following.

Firstly, economic growth in Asian region gives a boost to its entertainment industry. Significant economic growth has been witnessed in Asian region since the 1950s. For instance, thanks to US assistance for Japan’s post-war reconstruction, an astonishing economic boom has been sparked off in its domestic market. With a better economic condition, people have a better living quality. Since then, there was greater demand for high-quality entertainment. A diverse array of entertainment companies, therefore, emerged and invested immense resources on more artists. This is when the greatness of Asian artists can gradually stand comparison with its foreign counterparts. With their ever admirable talents, it is not difficult to imagine Westerners keeping a close eye on these stars.

Secondly, the popularisation of internet usage increases Asian artists’ exposure in the Western world. It is manifested that the internet is now unprecedentedly popular. Information in this medium is proven highly accessible. With a simple update of info, like a video or a text, it is available for people all across the globe. This provides an easy channel for Asian artists to gain exposure in another side of the world. For instance, a music video uploaded to Youtube, a commonly used video platform, can reach Westerner effortlessly. Greater Asian artists expose, more popular they are. Under this circumstance, the seemingly impossible growth of popularity seems nothing shocking but a reasonable trend.

Last but not the least, policies in some Asian countries incline towards entertainment industry. In the Asian region, many countries, especially Korea, are highly supportive of their entertainment industry. Financial assistance is generously granted. With sufficient resources, personnel, ranging from directors to scriptwriters, and from composers to lyricists, can receive professional training in well-equipped avenues. The incomparable condition allows artists better understand performing arts and audiences are, therefore, more likely to be impressed by their unparalleled performances. Eventually, they are able to sweep foreigners off their feet just like Western artists do.  

Tracing historical facts, we have to concede that Asia used to be a worthless region. Words like ‘savage', ‘primitive’ and ‘vulnerable’  are nothing less than its accurate descriptions. It is very glad of me to live in an era of prosperity and advancement, where racial discrimination and deprecative remarks are not that common. It is very appreciating that I can proudly announce, I am an Asian.

[ 本帖最後由 wailok97 於 2016-1-12 11:05 PM 編輯 ]


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