
[Core] 3條linear programming 唔識做

3條linear programming 唔識做

1. A bus company has to send 240 students to a barbecue site. There are now 8 drivers, 4 mini-buses which can carry 16 people each, and 6 coaches which can carry 52 people each available. If x mini-buses and y coaches are used, write down all the constraints about x and y.

2. A farmer raises x pigs and y cows under the following constraints.
  • The total number of pigs and cows should be less than 10.
  • The number of cows should not be more than twice the number of pigs

Given the constraints are
y ≤ 2x
x and y are non-negative integers

If the profit of the selling a cow is 3 times that of selling a pig, how many livestocks of each type should the farmer raise to obtain the maximum profit?

3. A merchants buys 50 kg of grade A tea, 180kg of grade B tea and110 kg of grade C tea to prepare two tea mixtures P and Q. Mixture P is prepared by mixing grade B tea and grade C tea in the ratio of 3:1. Mixture Q is prepared by mixing grade A, grade B and grade C tea in the ratio of 1:2:2. If the merchant prepares x kg of mixture P and y kg of mixture Q, write down all the constraints about x and y.




回覆 4# 數痴夢王 的帖子



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