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[Eng] 聽日就考 求狠評 Thanks!!

聽日就考 求狠評 Thanks!!

Part B – Social Issues
Hong Kong is running out oflandfill space. According to government information , all existing landfills willbe filled up by the mid-2010s. People who live near current landfills are fiercelyopposed to their expansion and no district and communities want one near them.

You are the chairperson of anenvironmental group Green Life. A local radio current affairs  programme DearHong Kong has asked you to write an open letter to the public to expressyour opinion on the landfill problem. In your letter , suggest possiblesolutions to the problem and encourage the public to take an active role inreducing domestic waste

7thApril 2016
An open letter to Hong Kong Public
Dear citizens,
  Hong Kong is facing a considerable crisis –the inadequate landfill. Aswe know , three landfills exist separately in Hong Kong. It seems that it isenough to meet the target of the disposal of waste in Hong Kong. However, theface of the situation is entirely opposite.
  Not only the government but also some experts who specializing theenvironment also claimed that all existing landfills will be filled up by themid-2010s. What are the results of running out of landfill place? Hong Kongwill not have any place to tackle with the disposal of waste. Can you imaginehow serious the result is? There is not any immediate-solution. Therefore ,Hong Kong have to make some plans starting from now.
  There are some possible solutions to the problem. First, government canput emphasis on technology development. Undoubtedly, technology will be thevital factor on solving the problem. If government can advance the use oftechnology , it definitely is the first step towards solving the problem of runningout of landfill space. For example, scientist can ensure the efficiency of theincinerators so as to deal with the waste in a short time. Also, they canadvance the technology machines to compress the rubbish efficiently. Thesmaller the rubbish is, the spacious the landfills are. Second , government canreduce the number of litter containers but place more recycling bins on thestreets. It is useful to advocate the culture of recycling. If Hong Kongcitizens have a high awareness of recycling, the amount of the waste mustreduce extremely .
  We are all Hong Kong citizens. We are all responsible for facing the situationof inadequate landfill space. In spite of having no high-technology knowledge,we can also put effort to the problem through a variety of ways. Basically, we canreduce the food waste every day. We should eat all we order in the restaurant.It is believed that it is not difficult to each of you .Besides, we can collectwaste paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottle and separate them correctly toput in the recycling bins. It not only reduce the waste but also raises theawareness of environmental protection of Hong Kong citizens. Therefore, we areall able to take an active role in reducing domestic waste . It may seem thatthe effort of one citizen is very tiny. When all Hong Kong citizens do the samething, it is definitely a big help in coping with the problem of landfillspace. Hong Kong is our home. I hope that the public can reduce the domesticwaste actively.
  In conclusion , the situation of the problem of the inadequate landfillspace is very bad . The use of landfill space should be treated as thepriority. Hope that the problem will be solved soon.

Chris Wong

Chairperson, Green Life

[ 本帖最後由 frankie_wong30 於 2016-4-7 08:53 PM 編輯 ]



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