
[Eng] 2012 writing

Teenagers in Hong Kong have to face so much stress from different aspects for instance mentally and physically changes. Hence, they may suffer from depression because of a large amount of pressure exerting on their mind.

  My friend was one of an examples who suffered from depression. She had mental health problem when she was form six. It was because her parents got injury in a car accident and meanwhile she had to prepare of the diploma examination. She felt so lonely and helpless at that moment as she had to take care of herself when her parents were not still able to look after her. the examination exerted pressure on her as she wanted to strive a great result in the examination and got into the universities If she could not get into them , it would affect her future a lot. In order to get a good result in the exam , she always studied overnight and it made her did to have enough energy to pay attention to her studies. Besides , she even drifted from her friends she tried to solve the problem by herself.

我估應該lv2 都幾sure.
我見你係咁用depression,其實有其他精神病eg.anxiety disorder,Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ,Mood Disorders, Bipolar Disorders


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