
[Eng] FREE HKDSE Writing Analysis by Native English Speaker

FREE HKDSE Writing Analysis by Native English Speaker

Hi everyone,

This is Ray. I am a Native English speaker.

I noticed that there are a lot of you that are looking for support for your HKDSE English.

I would like to help you improve your English writing skills.

To do so, I will post a HKDSE writing topic here every week and ONCE a week I will select ONE of the writing pieces posted here to correct. I will provide you with feedback and it will be posted in this thread for everyone to learn from . I wish I could do more, but that is all I could commit to for the time being.

Basically, I will proofread one of your essays and post my feedback here.

I will only do this if 5 of you reply to this thread and say that you are interested! If less than 5 reply by next Sunday then I will not continue with this plan. This is for free, and all of you will benefit.

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A little bit about myself:

- I have have taught non-Native English Speakers for more than 5 years on a part-time basis
- The students I have taught been awarded multiple awards. More importantly MANY have have won both public speaking and writing awards. Many of those students are from Band 1 or international schools.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message or post it on this group.

[ 本帖最後由 ray.sir 於 2016-10-30 11:21 PM 編輯 ]



Thank you for the feedback. I noticed that there are 4 replies with one double post so far.

1 more yes and we can get this started.



Ok, great.

We have got the minimum number of people required to get this started.

If anyone else who hasn't replied wants to join in that's fine as well.

If anyone of you has any general questions to ask about improving your English skills, feel free to ask them here as well and I will do my best to address them.

Here is the assignment:

Learning English through Drama
You recently went to see the performance of a school play written specially for students and theirparents on School Open Day. The performance was a success from start to finish. Write a diary ofthe performance for the school magazine, describing what the play was about and explaining theelements of a good play. Write about 400 words.

Citation: https://goo.gl/uJAFe2

I will only evaluate ONE of the writing pieces posted. This choice will be arbitrary. HOWEVER, so as to incentivize everyone I will give some brief & general feedback to the other writing pieces.

If you have comments to give to another student's writing piece, feel free to do so. Let's all work together to help one another improve.

There is a deadline though if you miss the deadline I may not look at your work.

Again, I don't have a whole lot of time as I have other priorities so I may only evaluate for a limited time period. Treasure this opportunity and use it to improve your English ability.

DEADLINE: 3rd November, 2016 (Thursday). 11:59pm (HKT)

I will mark the writing task and give feedback by next weekend.

Registration: If you would like to join, make sure to reply in this thread before the deadline.

If you think this will help your friends (i.e., for them to participate or to learn from), send them a link to this thread to help them out.

[ 本帖最後由 ray.sir 於 2016-10-31 12:39 AM 編輯 ]


Just a reminder for the writing task:

If anyone of you want to join please reply below so that I can anticipate the number of participants.

It is a requirement for joining this free writing evaluation.


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