
Summer tutorial:Econ, 普通話

Summer tutorial:Econ, 普通話

I am now fresh graduate of Cardiff University studying Economics( Banking and Finance) programme. I achieved a First Class Honour in my undergraduate and I am also going to study Msc Finance in University of Warwick. I have more than 10 years experience in Speech festival of both PTH and English. I can teach  PTH( advanced level, get 一級乙等 in PSC(普通話水平測試)) and Economics(DSE), where I will provide my own notes and teach the analytic skills. (Only provide summer course from August to mid Spet 2017).If you are interested, please leave me a message, whatsapp +44 7456744018, I am sure you will have an enjoyable and beneficial summer class.

Econ(F1-Uni): $200/hr
PTH( 音通話水平測試一級乙等,十年郎誦經驗200/hr


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