
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 61

1. 5*
2. 5
3. 4
4. 3
5. 2
6. 1

***Writing 評一評...thx : )***

***Writing 評一評...thx : )***

08 CE

Task2 Q.2

Your school building is going to be pulled down as part of the redevelopment of the area. Wirte an article for your school magazine saying why you think this is or is not a good idea.

Protect Our School !

Imagine learning in a place without classroom, having lunch without a canteen, and playing ball games without a playground. No wonder these are the severe consequences that will be brought about to a student without a school campus. Being confronted with this upcoming toil, we should unite to protect our school being pulled down for the redevelopment of the area!

Pulling down our school building is no different from pulling down our memories. Since our school has undergone 110 years of history, despite periodic renovation, there was no record that our school building was compelled to move. Once we are obliged to move, all the rooms and playgrounds, which are full of our memories, will be inflicted to exist. Our hard works that we have dedicated to our school for years will all be shattered. Is it a must that pulling down our school is the only solution? I am reluctant to perceive how our school will be.

Without any prospects, neither do we know how our new school will be, nor do we know when our new school is to be built. What we know is we are going to pursue our learning at a so-called – “school”. A “school” without basketball courts and football fields, without tuck shops and canteens, and worst of all, there are no libraries and computer rooms! How unbelievable that we are studying at such kind of “school”!

Although it is an undeniable fact that we have to move, moving away from our most lovable school, we still have to pay our utmost effort in protecting our school, or in the worst case, the school will live in our memories forever. We sincerely seek reconciliation with the government. I believe every student will unanimously think that – “Don’t pull down our school!”

310 words

[ 本帖最後由 macverson 於 2009-5-7 07:59 PM 編輯 ]


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