


小弟英文都幾差下 ,
願各位指點下..唔該晒 !

Write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper explaining why you think it is important for students to spend less time playing computer games and more time playing sports .

Dear Editor ,

Nowaday , many students spend much time for playing computer games . In my view , it is an unhealthy lifestyle . Hong Kong ' s students have high pressure from study , so they should have a right way to relax .

Playing computer games , is it a right way ? I think it is . But students should not spend too much time on this activity for various reasons . Firstly , playing computer games too often may affect students ' communication skill . Secondly , if they sit on the chair a long time , they may get overweight . Moreover , some computer games are too exciting , so these games let students to be nervous . Finally , some computer games promote crimes , I believe these games may send some wrong messages to students .

I think playing sports is a great activity for students to release their pressure , such as , playing ball games . Some students may saying that playing sports are boring . Is it true ? I disagree , because they may play sports with their friends , for example , playing basketball . From here , it not only develop their communication skill and solving problems skill , and also , show out their leadership skill from playing sports .

There is no doubt that playing computer games is funny . And it is a good way to relax . Nevertheless , spend too much time on it , only can let students be nervous . As we know that , it may not release pressure . But playing sports is not the same . It not only can release their pressure , but also let them healthy . It is hardly to refuse to play this activity . Thereby , I prefer students should spend less time playing computer games and more time playing sports .

Yours faithfully ,
Chris Wong

希望各位可以為我評下level ,


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