
緊急,請高手幫我評下,唔該晒(我只望leve 2)

But avoid the plastic bag using seem to be unable to our live.

"using" -> used (plastic係主語, 死物黎架, 係used by the people)
"avoid" -> avoiding (but係連接詞, 應該跟noun/"to"+verb/verb-ing)"
"To Given that situation", 應該係to that given situation, 大部分"to"之後應該跟infinitive (verb既present tense)
(except "I'm looking forward to seeing you" - for寫信既)
"the government implement the ”No plastic day” activity", "implement"要加"s",因為government係singular noun.
"And also considerate to have a charge where we are using." "Therefore, I highly agree that.", using乜野, agree that乜野? 你呢兩句都冇左個OBJECT, 一句意思通順既句子一定會交代清楚subject+verb+object(SVO), 前者你簡單咁加番個"it" or "them"就得(視乎plastic bag有冇"s"), 後者加番policy會好好多......
Such as we can bring a more bigger handbag daily. 你daily換左"everyday"或 "in our daily life"(唔知有冇錯)
The policy can prevent the people to unnecessary using. "防止人地做一樣野"係"prevent....from....."唔係to, unnecessary using -> using "unnecessarily" (verb係跟adverb既)
Please take action to decrease for using the plastic bag.-> 呢句睇落有少少問題, 換轉係Please take action to decrease the use of plastic bag.會順d

暫時小弟所知既grammatical mistake係咁多.
如果你篇writing冇咩grammatical mistakes, 都應該有level 3架la
anyway, 祝你考試順利~加油!

[ 本帖最後由 leochan_2004 於 2009-5-7 11:28 PM 編輯 ]


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