
[Core] Circle


Hello !
We have tried a lot of different methods to solve B part, but totally in vain.
Please kindly help us to solve B part

Thank you very much
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Fresh DSE 2021 questions, huh? This one is actually quite similar to a past DSE question (I forgot which year, just too lazy to check).

EDIT: Not DSE 2021 problem, but still it looks kind of like a past paper question. I think it's 2020? Again, I'm not bothered to check.

With co-geom questions, the first step is almost always to draw a diagram. Did you do that? Can you show any progress you've made?

[ 本帖最後由 風之男 於 2021-6-9 09:11 PM 編輯 ]



Thank you for your kind reply.
Our Math teacher give this Mock paper for our revision before the exam.
We have tried our best to imagine what the diagram should look like, but different member draws differently, we can’t confirm which one is accurate.
Please kindly show us what the diagram is.

Thank you so much


The only part to check is whether you've drawn L correctly (i.e. check your intercepts). Other stuff should fall into place quite naturally.

Here's a head start for (b)(ii):
Generally speaking, there are no trivial ways to find an angle when dealing with co-geom problems (what I mean by trivial, I mean something that you can just "see"). Unless there's something clever, which I can't find, finding where D is seems to be the most sensible thing to do.


回覆 4# 風之男 的帖子

Thank you very much


thx for questions


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