
[課程查詢] UST Program

UST Program

I would like to choose UST Engineering as my first choice next year.

But, when I search information. I found that, after entering the program, I can choose IPO.

For me, I am interest in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering(CBME). But, now, I am also interest in Environmental management technology (EVMT).

I would like to ask what are the advantage of each program?
Is it hard to choose EVMT next year?
Choose CBME or EVMT? Why?

Much Thanks


Hello, we are Interdisciplinary Programs Students' Union, a society that serve the students studying IPO programs in HKUST.

1. In fact CBME and EVMT are completely different in nature.
CBME focus on processing, thermodynamics, fluids and has a lot of laboratory work. In other words, it is very technical. Advantage is that you can become a professional, qualified Engineer with License after you studied CBME. However, the drawback is that CBME industry is not very vigorous in Hong Kong. Maybe you can take a look on this pdf, which includes the courses you have to take for CBME: http://publish.ust.hk/prog_crs_ar/pdf/ug_4y/cbme.pdf

EVMT on the other hand aims to train Environmental Leader with management and technical skills as environment becomes more and more concerned in Business in the future. Hence, EVMT students have to take Environmental Science courses, Business courses and also some courses about technology. In other words, EVMT is more diversified and it is also full of presentation and soft skill training. This is a special program that only offered by UST and this unique characteristic and diversified learning are definitely the advantage. However, drawback is that graduates cannot apply the liense likes CBME and a become professional Engineer. Here is the courses that a EVMT student has to take:

2. To choose EVMT is of course more difficult than choosing CBME.  EVMT recruits around 30 students each year and to enter EVMT, you better keep a GPA of 3.3 or even 3.5 in the first year. Since students from ALL schools can choose EVMT as their major in year 2, maybe you can enter School of Engineering of UST first.

3. To choose which CBME or EVMT really depends on your interest. Career is never a problem if you really love the subject you study and have incentive to learn.

Hope I can help you la If you have further problems can still pm me or ask here!


回覆 2# HKUST_IPSU1314 的帖子

To be frank,
No one really chooses EVMT

I think you can enter if you have a motivation / aspiration LOL

e.g. for B-School student, people mainly prefer GBus / QFin / RMBI / ECOF etc.
Engineering School Student - mainly Civil, Mechan, Electric .
Science - Chemistry, Physics, Maths & Econ

So not many people choose EVMT , given that IPO is actually a alone child, with little resources and support...


回覆 3# kiyiptsang 的帖子

Well, maybe it is true that less ppl prefer EVMT than the hot subjects you mentioned,
but we can still see a lot of Year 1 students want to select EVMT as their major,  
compared with the relatively small no. of intake.
That's why it is still competitive and not easy to enter EVMT....

"given that IPO is actually a alone child, with little resources and support..."
Well, it is true in the past. But it is not nowadays. Nowadays the schools tend to provide more support and resources to IPO students, and I believe the situation will be kept improving.
It is without doubt  that IPO students can have more opportunities as they can share the resources of different school. It is simply a matter of whether the student grabs the opportunity or not.
Take EVMT as an example, EVMT students can apply Exchange from both Engineering School and Humanities School.

Anyway, it really depends on students' interest when students choose what to study...

[ 本帖最後由 HKUST_IPSU1314 於 2013-6-21 12:40 AM 編輯 ]


回覆 4# HKUST_IPSU1314 的帖子

but we can still see a lot of Year 1 students want to select EVMT as their major,  < Are you kidding me ?

It is without doubt  that IPO students can have more opportunities as they can share the resources of different school < It can't access SBM wor , no school helps


Simple question.
Are you studying in EVMT or even in any IPO program


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