
[學科討論] (ENGG1001)等我話你知Engineering是什麼

I suggest you to refer to the following book as a startup for some necessary Mathematical concepts in Engineering:

Erwin Kreyszig
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Tenth Edition, 2011
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
原帖由 Dick的的 於 2012-6-19 09:20 PM 發表 中學數學可以點樣銜接大學數學?
[ 本帖最後由 kcleung 於 2012-6-21 11:33 AM 編輯 ]


Excellent comment!

As said, it is NOT important which programme one studies, but it is very critical what one can acquire during his/her university study.  Otherwise, it is a wastage of time and money but he/she may merely blame for earning a useless degree during the rest of his/her life.
原帖由 Automaton 於 2012-6-22 12:22 AM 發表

1. 深奧是可以突破的
老老實實, 我所講的入門數
簡直就 超低能

HKU的risk management
一樣要識Linear Algebra, ODE, Partial D 等等
(當然主力prob & S ...


Well, I used that textbook when I was a student in the first Mathematics course offered in the Mathematics Department.  The concepts discussed are generally easy to read and well-explained.  Students with good background in basic Mathematics should be able to understand without difficulty.
原帖由 Automaton 於 2012-6-22 01:07 AM 發表
I think Thomas . Steward Calulus is better for First Reading

Kreyszig 10th edition的Calculus Part 不合適當First Reading


Science is to explain and explore our nature, whereas Engineering is to design and build any artificial entities (such as structures, systems, and processes).
原帖由 適者生存 於 2012-7-6 11:56 AM 發表 將工程當做一種使命其實都唔錯,使命感應該唔低得過醫生、律師無左工程,我地今日所見既大部份野都唔會出現


No, you have misinterpreted of WHAT I have said.

My point is that the design, creation, develop, and analyze any artificial entities fall into the fields of Engineering.  This means that its application spans in ALL aspects of life, from the electricity generation, bridges and buildings, transportation, development of electronic products and systems (including information processing of the banking systems), medical support, and so on.  Thus, one cannot imagine what we can do in our lives without Engineering.  Of course, any proper use of any deliverables generated from the applications of Engineering principle would benefit the society as a whole.

Yet, I would like to emphasize that Engineering is very important to the modern world, but, at the same time, the contributions from other disciplines should NOT be belittled as well.  For example, the theories developed or observed in Science can help for the development of new drugs so as to cure diseases for medical uses.  Without such fundamentals, no new Engineering theories can be built and thus no new drugs can then be developed.  That is, Science offers the bulding blocks so that new entities can be created and developed by the applications of such theories.  The concepts of electricity have been developed in Physics and Chemistry.  Based on these concepts, a new set of theories (including the very fundamental ones in circuits and systems) were devised for power generation, transmission, and distribution so that the power grid has been developed to deliver electricity to people anytime and virtually anywhere.

Besides, the development of explosives (via the observations and theories in Science) can do help to our society, but they can do harm or destruct the society by producing weapons to invade other countries and kill people as well.  The latter may fall into the misuses/abuses of technologies, that is NOT an issue within Engineering, but human beings themselves.  How to avoid this from happening?  Education: develop one's personal values on the eyes for contributing to the society rather than doing things good to oneself (selfishness) -- falling into the fields of social science education!!!

To conclude, Engineering is critical to human lives in the modern world.  Thus, I oppose anyone to belittle the importance of Engineering, but, at the same time, I do not support anyone to belittle other disciplines as well.  Note that our modern society is contributed from all walks of lives, NOT just people from a certain discipline.
原帖由 適者生存 於 2012-7-6 10:45 PM 發表
I‘m curious on why you emphasize that engine is going to create some artificial entities.
Just my sense,it seems you want to remind me that engine sometimes can be a countwer-productive or wrong ap ...


>  話哂都係大學呀 唔想搞到好似番工咁

Sorry, it is NOT uncommon for ones (even for those who perform academically excellent) to work on their assignments/projects occasionally overnight and treat their laboratories as their "second" home.  If one has his/her passion to want to learn more and work hard, they would NOT feel that they are studying like 番工咁 but they are really having fun with WHAT they are studying!!!

Indeed, it would also be fun to have the labmates to go for "early" breakfast (say, at 6:30 a.m. when the canteen opens) after they have worked overnight for their projects.  This is a sort of university life one SHOULD experience so that one can make use of such opportunities for sharpening the time management skills.

However, if you wish to hea in the university study, please DO NOT pick Engineering or I am ASCERTAIN that you will regret.  Actually, he/she SHOULD NOT even study at a university as he/she is just WASTING his/her time (3-4 years) but getting nothing beneficial for his/her life in return!!!
原帖由 yykcw 於 2012-7-26 07:43 PM 發表
做到氣都冇得"頭" 假都冇得放先
話哂都係大學呀 唔想搞到好似番工咁
[ 本帖最後由 kcleung 於 2012-7-27 03:18 PM 編輯 ]



Engineering (CS, EEE, IE), Mathematics (Statistics), and BA (Operations Management) 均可開有關 Queueing Theory 的科目及幹相關的研究!!!
原帖由 香港好美好 於 2012-11-16 04:05 PM 發表 據你所知 civil , mechanicl 同electrical會較少涉及probability(queuing theory)而bse 就會涉及probability(queuing theory)2.Information, signal related 就更加涉及??因為我d 數同m2成績突出(5星-5星星 ...



你的說法似乎武斷一點, 有看法無佐證!

amazon 既 reviews (http://www.amazon.com/Advanced-E ... yszig/dp/0470458364) 也不是糟糕的: 五個五星級, 兩個四星級, 四個兩星級和一個一星級, 這反映書評是好, 跟你的說法矛盾!

此外, Google 的書評 (http://books.google.com.hk/books ... id=UnN8DpXI74EC&;redir_esc=y) 也不錯:  5個 5 顆星, 1個 4 顆星, 2個 3 顆星, 3個 2 顆星, 1個 1 顆星.

我以往用過這本書, 我個人認為這是一本非常不錯的書, Greenberg 的那本也是很不錯的書, 當然可以各花入各眼 la!

記住, 大學用書是參考書, 怎麼會像中學用書凡是教你每一步 nei???
原帖由 christinali 於 2013-3-7 04:24 PM 發表

千萬唔好用呢本書.............. 寫得好差 (可以睇下amazon 既 reviews)
examples 勁垃圾 同學既野無關 problem sets 又係垃圾 講廢話多  睇完都唔會識做數

[ 本帖最後由 kcleung 於 2013-3-8 03:15 AM 編輯 ]


> What is engineering
> 其實當你問how而唔係問why的時候就已經係engineering
> Science VS Engineering就係 Why VS How

I don't agree.  Engineering is the study of man-made, artificial systems, whereas Science is the study of Nature.  The study of Engineering also needs to know, apply (how), and analyze (why).  Without exploring why, how can one be able to do research?

Anyway, I don't think that Science and Engineering can be compared this way!

[ 本帖最後由 kcleung 於 2016-9-6 01:38 AM 編輯 ]
大眾媒體係法律大、政策大,定 S.... 最大?


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