


topic " Hong Kong teenagers have unhealthy lifestyles" Do you agree?
write a leeter to the editor of Hong Kong Times giving your opinions.Start your letter
'Dear Editor' and sign it 'Chris Wong' Do not write an address.

Dear Editor,
        Recently, I watched a TV programme which was about the lifestyle of the teenagers in Hong Kong. However, in the programme,they concluded that the teenagers in Hong Kong have a healthy lifestyle. I am writing to express my opinion against the above conclusion. I have a few reasons to support my view.
        First and foremost,most of the teenagers like eating meat in the meal. They will perfer having fried chicken wings or some beef more than having some vegetables for their lunch.  Many of them have a diet with insufficient vegetables. It is no good for their health.It is common that many teenagers are having an unbalanced diet every day. Moreover,the number of obesed teenagers is increaseing rapidly in the past few years. They usually have fat meat,soft-drinks, fried food, which are usually high-fat in content. I totally don't think that is a healthy way for teenagers.
        Apart from this, Hong Kong teenagers dislike doing exercises.It is also a reason why more and more youths are putting weights after thay leave schools. Some of the students explain that they have lots of homework to do and no time for doing any exercises.But when i ask them ehether they have watched the dramma shown on the TV at 9:30pm.all of their answers are positive.They do have time to watch aTv but no time for doing exercise.It is only a lie.They are lazy and not willing to do any exercises.Would the person who doesn't do any exercises be healthy?
       To make things worse, students play online games at the expense of their sleeping time. They go to bed in the midnights.Being late to school isn't uncommon to them. In order to increase their level of 'weapons' or trying to chat with their net firends during nights. They are addicted to 'the computer world.' This will be harmful to them.But most of the teenages have already been one of them. Would a lack of sleeping person have a healthy lifestyle?
       All in all, unbalanced diet, lack of exercises and addiction to playing computers are the habits of the teenagers in Hong Kong. I don't think it can be said to be a healthy lifestyles.

Yours faithfully,


Chris Wong




i know this is the purpose of writing this letter.
BUt i think i should stated my reason of wirting this letter before states the purpose


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