
投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 64

1. lv5*
2. lv5
3. lv4
4. lv3
5. lv2
6. lv1

作文評級 thx

作文評級 thx

Write an article for your school magazine discussing the pros and cons of keeping pets.

Pros and Cons of keeping pets

There is a growing trend of keeping pets in Hong Kong. Much has been said that we can find the delight of keeping pets. However, what is worth noticing is that isn’t it a waste of time and money? To begin with, I would like to explore the pros and cons of keeping pets.
One of the advantages of raising pets is that pets bring happiness to us. If we feel upset or lonely, pets are always our best companions that make us delight and reduce our loneliness.
Apart from providing happiness, pets also increase our responsibility. When we are raising a pet, we should take care of him, provide the food and clean his excrement regularly. Therefore, it will be effective to improve our responsibility.
While some people think keeping pets is worthwhile, some see their pet as a burden. Keeping pets can cause some disadvantages which cannot be disregarded. The major concern comes from the time and money. When we are raising a pet, we are not only providing the food for the pet, but also spending time on him. Therefore, keeping pets can be time-consuming and costly.
Further more, keeping pets can make many bother.For instance, if your pet is so lively, he may make a mess of your house. What’s more bothersome that he may bark at every night and disturb the neighbors.
To restate, keeping pets can be the benefits and drawbacks. If you decide to raise a pet, you should think before you leap and provide pets with necessities.

[ 本帖最後由 abc8613 於 2009-5-7 09:40 AM 編輯 ]


Just scan through it.

1. delight is not appropriate.
2. pets also increase our responsibility. [meaning unclear (words missing) ; singular/plural]
3. Are all the pets male?
4. 2nd pt is not very effective.
5. When we raise a pet... (not we are raising)
6. Furthermore (one word)


唔記得講grade, 我會俾3 only


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